Retest template generation logic

Logitude ETR automatically creates retest template of the the assessment containing tasks, which where graded either failed or not completed.

Retest template tasks not completed

In order for this retest logic to work, the assessment signing has following rules:

  • Overall grade Pass is only accepted when

    • No task has been graded with "fail" grade (last attempt or repeat)
    • No task has been graded with "not completed" grade (last attempt or repeat), when template task processing settings are configured that all tasks are mandatory
    • Training Recommendation has not been selected on the overall grade section
  • Overall grade Partial Pass is only accepted when

    • At least one but no more than maximum number of failed tasks have been graded with failed grade
    • No task has been graded with "not completed" grade (last attempt or repeat), when template task processing settings are configured that all tasks are mandatory
  • Overall grade Fail is only accepted when

    • Training Recommendation has been selected on the overall grade section
    • Overall grade Not Completed is only accepted when
    • One or more tasks have been graded with "not completed" grade and none has been assigned "fail" type grade

Stand-alone assessments (not inside a training)

If overall grade is “Not completed” and all tasks are mandatory in the assessment/template, a custom template is generated for the trainee when the back-end receives the signed assessment. That template contains all the tasks in the assessment whose grade is of type “Not completed”. Template is named "Retest for [trainee name] due to NOT COMPLETED”. The created retest template is linked to the original, as shown on the screenshot below.

Retest template linked to original assessment

If overall grade is “Partial pass”, a custom template is generated for the trainee when the back-end receives the signed assessment. That template contains all the tasks in the assessment whose grade is of type “Fail”. Template is named "Retest for [trainee name] due to PARTIAL PASS”.

Assessments inside training

If overall grade is “Partial pass” or “Fail” or an overall training recommendation has been selected, a custom template is generated for the trainee when the back-end receives the signed assessment. That template contains all the tasks in the assessment whose grade is of type “Not completed” or “Fail” or the ones which have training recommendation selected. Template is named "Additional training for [trainee name]” and it’s visible inside the training, but not in the Assessment Monitor.

Retest template linked to training course assessment

If the overall grade is "Pass" but there are tasks which are left as incomplete items, these are put into "Pending Items" bucket and can be completed individually from there, by any instructor.

Pending Items linked to training course assessment

Double-clicking item in the Pending Items list opens a task grading for that single task in question and after grading and submitting, it will be completed and removed from Pending Items.

Pending Item