Users tab

Users tab contains a list of all users. A search tool is provided in the upper right corner.

Users menu

In the bottom part of the screen is the toolbar, which has following buttons:

Users toolbar buttons

  • New: Create new users.
  • Edit: Edit selected user. This button activates when user is selected from the list.
  • Delete: Deleted selected user. This button activates when user is selected from the list.
  • Import: Import users using excel file. Note template for this file is provided by Logitude Support.

Create new user

You can add a new user by clicking “New” button in the Toolbar. This opens up the “New user” page where user data is inserted.

Create new user

See description of each field in table below:

Field Description
First name Mandatory
Last name Mandatory
User name Mandatory. Used for login credentials. Must be unique in the system.
Password/Confirm password Mandatory. Same password must be inserted in both fields. The user can also change this after a succesful login.
Employee code Must be unique in the system
Email Email address for the user. While this is not mandatory input, it is required when user wants to reset his/hers forgotten password. The new password will be sent to user's email address.
Company Company name
Job title Job title
Type of license held CPL (A) or ATPL(A)
State of license issue Country that has issued the license
License nr Caa issued license number
License valid to Last date of validity of the license in format
Medical valid to Last date of validity of the medical certificate in format
User roles Determines which ETR functionalities will be available for the user. Multiple selections are possible. User roles are defined in table below.
Is enabled YES/NO If selected NO, the user cannot login.

User role descriptions

User role Description
Support Requester Enables Support in main menu
Trainee User is able to view and sign assessments and to view qualifications
Line Flying Examiner Examiner is able to submit line check assessments and view, edit and print assessments submitted by him/her. Able to login to iPad application
Type Rating Examiner Examiner is able to submit assessments and view, edit and print assessments submitted by him/her. Able to login to iPad application
Reporting Administrator Able to view Reports
Data Administrator Able to enter legacy assessments to the system
Assessment Administrator Able to C.R.U.D. and publish/unpublish form templates, and to view and edit all active assessments
System Administrator Able to C.R.U.D. users
Optimizer Administrator Able to modify Optimizer related fleet information
Curriculum Administrator Able to C.R.U.D. and publish/unpublish Curricula
Training Administrator Able to C.R.U.D. training courses
Device Log User Able to create and view Device Log entries

C.R.U.D. = Create, Read, Update and Delete

Note: if you select the Type Rating Examiner role for the user, also the “authorization nr.” and “authorization valid until” field will appear in user attributes and have to be filled.

After inserting the user data clicking Toolbar button "Save" creates the new user.

Edit or delete user

Editing an user is done by selecting the user from Users list and then clicking "Edit" button on the toolbar. User data is presented and can be edited similarly when creating a new user.

When editing a user, there are also tabs for maintaining user's qualifications, viewing qualification history and list of user's assessments.

User tabs

You can edit a user by highlighting a user in the user list and clicking “Delete” on the Toolbar. This will open up a confirmation dialog. By clicking “Yes” you the user will be deleted and will not appear any longer on the Users list.

Tip! If a user is deleted by mistake no worries! The operation can be reverted, and the user – including ALL associated data – can easily be returned by Support.

Qualifications tab

This view enables viewing and editing of a user’s qualifications.

User Qualifications

Toolbar buttons available for this view:

  • New: Add new qualifications
  • Edit: Edit selected qualification. This button activates when a qualification is selected.
  • Delete: Deleted selected qualification. This button activates when a qualifiation is selected.
Add, edit or delete qualification

Clicking "Add" toolbar button opens "Add User Qualifiation" dialog.

Add User Qualification

Adding new qualification to a user requires three inputs:

  • Qualification: Select a qualification which is added to the user. This list is populated by qualifications defined in the Qualifications menu. Mandatory input.
  • Renewal date: Date when qualification was issued/renewed. Optional information. Date format
  • Valid to: Last date when qualification is valid. Mandatory input. Date format

Selecting a user qualification from the list and clicking “Edit” opens “Update user qualification” dialog. The dialog is used to update Renewal date and Valid to date of the qualification in question.

Deleting user qualification is done by selecting the qualification from the list and clicking "Delete" button on the toolbar.

Qualification history tab

This view enables viewing the renewal history of a user’s qualifications (which qualification has been updated, and when).

User Qualification history

Note. The “code” and “Is valid” date appears on Assessment forms Header (situation before the assessment has been completed) and Footer (the revalidated date after the assessment has been completed and signed).

Assessments tab

This view enables listing and fetching any assessment performed for the user in question.

User Assessments

User Groups

User groups are used to easily define same permissions for a large group of users. For example having user group "B777 Line Flying Examiners" and then defining that all members of this group can approve line training items for B777.

User Groups tab has following toolbar buttons:

  • New: Add new user group
  • Edit: Edit existing user group. This button activates when a user group is selected from the list
  • Delete: Delete existing user group. This button activates when a user group is selected from the list

Adding a new user group

To add a new user group, click toolbar button "Add". A dialog "Create New User Group" opens with following data fields:

  • Name: Name of the user group
  • Description: Description of the user group
  • Group Members: Select group members by using the search window and then add members to the group by selecting them. Removing a user from a group is done by double-clicking the user in the group members area.